Standardization : GPSTART-2

In the frame of the M496 European mandate, CEN-CENELEC TC5/WG1 is presently conducting standardization work on the use of GNSS-based positioning for road Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS).The work will be used to update the European standards of the EN16803 series. It will also lead to the future EN16803-4, which will define the methods for carrying out/designing test scenarios (Record part) intended to be replayed in lab (Replay part).
As a reminder, the EN16803 standard deals with the Use of GNSS-based positioning for road Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) .
- EN16803-1: the revision of "Part 1: Definitions and system engineering procedures for the establishment and assessment of performances" was published in October 2020
- EN16803-2: "Part 2: Assessment of basic performances of GNSS-based positioning terminals" was published in September 2020
- EN16803-3: "Part 3 : Assessment of security performances of GNSS-based positioning terminals" was published in September 2020
Contact: Miguel Ortiz -