The HAPPYHAND2 project is a 4-year project financed by the French inter-ministerial fund FUI, in which GExpertise Conseil and Ocentis, the GEOLOC and LOUSTIC-Université Rennes 2 laboratories participate. It began on 29 September 2015.
The project aims at improving the mobility of people with temporary (or permanent) mobility difficulties, without using a vehicle thanks to
- the mapping of urban space and its obstacles,
- calculating routes according to disability profile and
- real time navigation assistance on connected object.
The construction of the map is performed with an authorized instrumented vehicle (VRA) and the outcome is used to compute customized itineraries. A mobility aiding tool assist the user thanks to a precise geolocation and a telematic assistance service. The automatic feedback of behavioral alerts offers other services starting from automatic alerts up to onsite intervention in the event of a problem. The services will be enriched by the acquisition of data with the VAR but also by the customers in a crowdsourcing way.
This project is supported by laboratory cities (Nantes, Rennes). Associations on mobility and disability have also expressed interest. This commitment of third parties will benefit the experimentation that it proposes, or even a large scale distribution of the products and services resulting from the project.
Contact: Valérie Renaudin - valerie.renaudin@univ-eiffel.fr